MVB-Austausch: Sales engine #BookTok?!
The #BookTok phenomenon gets new releases and backlist titles equally talked about and boosts their sales. And not only among existing target groups, but also among people who have not bought books before.
Which trend titles sell well? How can sales take advantage of digital attention? Where does the community find its place in the bookshop? Tell us at the MVB-Austausch!
In a relaxed atmosphere, we discuss questions that are currently on the minds of book people. We want to know what's on your mind in different subject areas and how we can develop solutions together. Come along, we look forward to seeing familiar and new faces!
Venue: Messe Frankfurt | Hall 4.0, E 21 | Zentrum Börsenverein
MVB at Frankfurter Buchmesse 2023: Our program for #fbm23